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What Alcohol Really Does To Your Skin Will Shock You (Open)

If you are in love with alcohol and can’t do without sipping liquor every mow and then,then this note of warming if meant for you.
Warning: You might want to rethink your weekend plans after reading this.
If you regularly reach for a glass of wine to get you through hump-day, binge on thirsty Thursdays and go big at the weekend, you might want to read this.
We all know alcohol is bad for us. But did you know just one sip lingers in your body for about two hours and travels through your bloodstream to nearly every organ?
Booze affects everything from your brain to your muscles, heart and liver. Alcoholic tipples are also a major cause of weight-gain and could be one of the reasons Britain is the 6th fattest nation in the world.
Unsurprisingly alcohol also has a negative affect on your skin. Binge drinkers suffer from bloated, puffy faces because alcohol dilates your blood vessels meaning they’re more prone to breakage.

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